Voluntary Smoke Management Guidelines
Review the Arkansas Voluntary Smoke Management Guidelines before you burn. Submit forestry and row crop prescribed burns and learn whether it’s safe to burn under the current conditions by calling 1.800.830.8015 or at https://arkfiresmart.com/
Arkansas Grain Sales Slow Pay Hotline
Report a grain dealer that is more than thirty days late on their contractual obligation for payment of grain. Call 501.219.6308 or ADA.slowpayhotline.agriculture.arkansas.gov
Abandoned Pesticide Program
The Arkansas Agricultural Abandoned Pesticide Program was developed as a way for farmers to safely and properly dispose of old or unwanted pesticides. Since 2005, the Agricultural Abandoned Pesticide Program has overseen the collection of 6.3 million pounds of unwanted pesticides in all counties across Arkansas. Participation in collection events is free and anonymous to farmers and other non-industrial landowners. Pesticide collections are paid for by the pesticide manufacturers through a fee added to the registration of each agricultural pesticide registered in Arkansas. There is no cost to the farmer; it is completely anonymous for those who wish to participate. Events are scheduled in the spring and fall and are dependent on program funding. The schedule can be found at the link above. Participants are highly encouraged to complete an inventory form and submit it to their County Farm Bureau Office to ensure the type of waste and quantity can be accepted.
Arkansas Boards and Commissions
The Governor is responsible for appointing members to boards and commissions in Arkansas. Anyone who wishes to apply for appointment may do so by completing the online application.
Checkoff Programs
Checkoff programs were created to give farmers a collective voice in the promotion of their commodity and allow them to guide research efforts to best meet their needs. The following links will provide more information about those programs.
Arkansas Rice Research and Promotion Board
Arkansas Soybean Promotion Board
Arkansas Corn and Grain Sorghum Board