News & Media

A Recap of Arkansas’s Agriculture Industry in 2023, Tax Relief for Farmers and Families & Much More!

This week we cover the “State of the State: Arkansas Ag Industry” report recently released by Talk Business & Politics. We also discuss breaking news from the U.S. House of Representatives, covering newly passed legislation that brings tax relief to American farmers and families and a lot more agriculture news. We had a bit of fun too since Feb. 2 is Groundhog Day. We answered trivia questions and debated the best Bill Murray movies.
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ASU Vet School

At this year’s winter commodity meeting, we caught up with Dr. Jim Lloyd to learn about the new veterinarian program being created at Arkansas State in Jonesboro. The school is currently targeting fall of 2026 as the start for the first class of students.
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Anvil Metals & Fabrication

We travelled north to Gassville, Arkansas to visit Anvil Metals and Fabrication owner Rob Conner and his former students, turned business partners. The crew showed us what innovative tools they’re making to help farmers and rural communities. Take the trip with us to see why the AMF team won our inaugural Ag Innovation Challenge and earned the right to compete nationally at the 2025 American Farm Bureau Convention.
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2024 AFBF Annual Meeting of Voting Delegates

Eleven delegates from across Arkansas took the mic many times Tuesday during the business session of the 105th American Farm Bureau convention in Salt Lake City. Many issues facing Arkansas farmers and ranchers were addressed and new Arkansas Farm Bureau president Dan Wright was elected to the American Farm Bureau board of directors.
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2024 AFBF Convention | Day 3 Recap

New Arkansas Farm Bureau president Dan Wright had questions for Washington D.C. staffers Monday at the 105th Amercian Farm Bureau Convention in Salt Lake City. Other members and delegates from Arkansas took in seminars, break-out sessions and boot camps plus heard from U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack.
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2024 AFBF Convention | Day 3 Kickoff

Day 3 at the American Farm Bureau convention is well under way. We kicked it off with a panel discussion on the Farm Bill, as well as remarks from the Secretary of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack, during the closing general session.
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Crop Markets in a Volatile World

Arkansas farmers scored record yields in 2023 but in a volatile world must continue to push for higher yields. That was the message from economists Monday at the American Farm Bureau Convention in Salt Lake City.
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2024 AFBF Convention Day 2 Recap

It was an eventful day two at the American Farm Bureau Convention in Salt Lake City. Arkansas was represented well through competition, awards and special recognitions.
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ArFB Pinnacle Award

Arkansas Farm Bureau earned a Pinnacle Award while the state’s Young Famer & Rancher Discussion Meet winner competed in the Sweet 16 on Sunday at the 105th American Farm Bureau Convention in Salt Lake City.
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2024 AFBF Convention Opening General Session

A strong contingent of Arkansas farmers and ranchers attended the American Farm Bureau Convention official kickoff Sunday morning in Salt Lake City. Arkansas Farm Bureau and its members are up for awards later at the 105th annual meeting. Check back here later today for updates.
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