News & Media

AGCAST: Outgoing FFA President Brady Gentry

The Arkansas FFA organization held its 91st convention at the Hot Springs Convention Center April 23-25. It was the final event for Brady Gentry as president and leader of the state officer team. In this edition of Arkansas Agcast, Brady shares how being president has prepared him for the future and how being involved in FFA helps young people become better citizens and adults.
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Farm Bureau Names Jones Outstanding Teacher

Angela Jones, a tenth-grade English teacher at Greenwood High School in Sebastian County, is Arkansas Farm Bureau’s 2018 Ag in the Classroom Outstanding Teacher. Jones received the award during a recent surprise announcement at the school.
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Gwaltney awarded Farm Bureau Vines Scholarship

Wesley Gwaltney of Batesville (Independence County), a rising senior majoring in creative media production at Arkansas State University, is the 2018 recipient of Arkansas Farm Bureau’s Marvin Vines Memorial Scholarship.
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Applications available for M*A*S*H camps

Applications are now available to high school students for the summer M*A*S*H (Medical Applications of Science for Health) camps. These camps will be located at 34 medical facilities throughout Arkansas. The two-week M*A*S*H camps are designed to expose rising high-school juniors and seniors to healthcare-related vocations.
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Seeing Seed Survivor

What is "Seed Survivor"? It's a new, interactive way to teach Arkansas elementary school students about where their food comes from and how plants are grown. See for yourself in our new video.
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Ag Safety Awareness Week is March 4-10

Farm Bureaus across the country are making safety a top priority this spring through the Agricultural Safety Awareness Program (ASAP). As a part of ASAP, March 4-10 has been designated as Agricultural Safety Awareness Week.
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Teaching Grain Bin Safety

Farm Bureau sponsored a grain bin safety program to help prepare farmers to avoid potentially deadly accidents. About 100 first responders and farmers learned what to do in case of an emergency at a class held in Lonoke County on Bevis Farms.
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PODCAST: Seeds of Learning

Listen and learn about the Seed Survivor mobile classroom program making the rounds at elementary schools across east Arkansas. The latest stop was Woodlawn Elementary in Cleveland County, where this interactive program, provided by Nutrien Crop Production Services, taught students about the life cycle of plants and how food gets from the farm to their table.
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Veteran Turns Ag Teacher

Sgt. Brian Jackson served 10 years in the Army National Guard. Now, he is the vo-ag instructor at Smackover High School and Smackover FFA advisor. He shared his story with us for Veterans Day.
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