News & Media

Healthy Flavors for Local Schools

Getting kids to eat veggies they’ve never tasted is tough. Healthy Flavors Inc., farmer Dan Spatz admires school nutritionists’ work and offers them fresh produce to change children’s palates.
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Northeast Rice Research and Extension Center Opening

Agriculture industry stakeholders gathered Friday to celebrate the grand opening of the UofA Northeast Rice Research and Extension Center. Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Center Director Tim Burcham and Farm Bureau President Dan Wright all spoke about the importance and impact the facility will have in northeast Arkansas. Vital research will be conducted to better help producers in the area, as well as provide extension-based education on the value of Arkansas rice.
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Arkadelphia Schools: Ag is Back

For the first time in over 50 years, Arkadelphia schools have an agriculture and FFA program. The new agriculture science program, led by veteran FFA advisor Sammy Cox, will introduce students to FFA and the many agriculture career opportunities available to them after graduation. The Clark County Farm Bureau has been a consistent voice for the need for vo-ag education to the district.
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Agricultural Mechanics | Beebe FFA

A new contest was started at the Arkansas State Fair, the Agricultural Mechanics show. It highlights projects of various design and difficulty constructed by Arkansas FFA and 4-H members. Watch our latest video with state fair contestants from Beebe FFA to learn more.
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Gravel Cyclists and Farmer Community Night

Nearly 300 cyclists and more than 50 farmers gathered at Evans Farms in Benton County for the first Gravel and Farmer Community Night. The event gathered farmers and cyclists from across Northwest Arkansas for food and fellowship and allowed them to learn from one another and share their respect for rural roads, with a focus on safety. Check out our latest video to see more from the event.
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Utility Pole Burn Awareness

Post-harvest burns of Arkansas' farm fields can be costly if not careful. A year ago, First Electric Cooperative reported close to 50 of its power poles were damaged or destroyed during burns. Watch to learn more and how to prevent losses this fall.
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Grain Bin Safety 2023 | Farm Safety Month

Did you know March is Farm Safety Month? Every year Arkansas Farm Bureau offers grain bin safety training to farmers, firefighters, EMTs and other first responders in an effort to combat grain bin entrapments. Thank you to our friends at Mississippi Farm Bureau for helping provide the equipment and experts to lead this course!
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Farmers for Tomorrow | Center for Arkansas Farms and Foods

The Center for Arkansas Farms and Food trains the next generation of farmers focusing on specialty crop production. The University of Arkansas program strives to set up aspiring farmers for success in local food production. They recently hosted a Farmers for Tomorrow fundraiser to support their program graduates. Hear what assistant director Heather Friedrich had to say about their recent event and programs.
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