Fifteen-year-old Wesley Scroggins of Cleveland (Conway County) and 10-year-old Emma Kate Powell of Lowell (Benton County) are the winners for the 2021 Arkansas Farm Bureau Rice is Nice Youth Cooking Contest.
The Arkansas Agriculture Hall of Fame has announced that its Aug. 20 induction ceremony will be postponed due to safety concerns surrounding the increase in COVID-19 cases in Arkansas. The induction ceremony is now scheduled to occur March 4, 2022, effectively skipping a year between induction classes.
John Michael and Rachel Bearden (Hot Spring County), James and Ashton Dixon (Madison County), and Lauren Martin (White County) earned Young Farmers & Ranchers awards today during Arkansas Farm Bureau’s annual Officers & Leaders Conference at the Hot Springs Convention Center.
The finalists in Arkansas Farm Bureau’s annual Young Farmers & Ranchers (YF&R) Achievement Award and Excellence in Agriculture Award have been announced. The awards honor young farmers and ranchers between the ages of 18-35 for the general excellence of their operations, their hard work and innovation.
Chuck Tucker, Senior Vice President of Organization and Administration with the Arkansas Farm Bureau Federation, is retiring May 31 following a distinguished 36-year career with the organization.
Arkansas Farm Bureau Federation has awarded a total of $4,000 in Outdoor Classroom Garden Mini-Grants to 10 schools and FFA programs across the state. Six schools received grants in the amount of $500.
John Bailey has been promoted to Director of the Commodity and Regulatory Affairs Department at the Arkansas Farm Bureau, replacing Travis Justice. In his new role, Bailey will be responsible for development, implementation and administration of department priorities and helping manage the department‘s efforts related to the organization’s commodity divisions, regulatory affairs activities, market information delivery, commodity checkoff program administration, and economic analysis impacting Arkansas agriculture.
Justin Reynolds has been promoted to Director of Organization and Member Programs at Arkansas Farm Bureau. In his new role, Reynolds will assist with supervision and direction for the organization’s district directors, who work with the county Farm Bureaus to implement legislative, leadership and agricultural outreach programming. He will also coordinate work with the Women’s Leadership Committee, the Young Farmers & Ranchers Committee, and the eight Collegiate Farm Bureau chapters in Arkansas.