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Arkansas Farm Bureau Hires Summer Interns

Two college graduates have joined Arkansas Farm Bureau for the summer as interns. The interns will assist several departments within the organization and work to advance their skills, while learning more about Arkansas Farm Bureau’s grassroots impact within the state and across the nation. 

Baylee Milam from Vilonia graduated in May from Arkansas Tech University with a degree in agricultural business. Her experiences in FFA judging competitions, such as floriculture and poultry, first sparked her interest in agriculture. Although Milam did not grow up directly involved in agriculture she credits her passion to her time in FFA.

“I am ecstatic and honored to be interning with Arkansas Farm Bureau this summer and I cannot wait to contribute to such an important role within Arkansas agriculture,” Milam said. “As a Farm Bureau intern, the opportunities and experiences that I will gain for my career are plentiful.”

Milam is interning with the Organization and Member Programs, Public Affairs and Government Relations and Commodity and Regulatory Affairs departments.

Shaylee Wallace from Reeds Spring, Mo., graduated in May, 2018, from College of the Ozarks, where she studied agriculture animal science. She is now a graduate student studying agricultural communications at the University of Arkansas. Wallace also works as a graduate assistant throughout the school year and currently serves as the collegiate board member of Arkansas Women in Agriculture.

“I have always been passionate about giving agriculture a voice and a platform,” Wallace said. “Arkansas Farm Bureau works hard to share the story of agriculture and serve their members, it’s an honor to be a part of that and I can’t think of a better organization to intern with.”

Wallace is interning with the Public Relations department.

Arkansas Farm Bureau is a nonprofit, private advocacy organization of more than 190,000 families throughout the state working to improve farm and rural life.

Baylee Milam photo

Shaylee Wallace photo

For more information, contact:

Rob Anderson
(501) 228-1640


Steve Eddington
(501) 228-1383